Monday, January 23, 2006

Adm. Radford's broken-down car and other notes

These are notes I jotted down while talking with my mom in the summer of 2004. Unfortunately, my notes are incomplete. Background: she worked as a legal secretary at a top law firm in Washington DC during the Kennedy/Johnson era.
Mom saw Jack Kennedy a foot away coming out of the Willard Hotel, "and all I can remember is that huge red fat face, which I know now was the cortisone. I was standing right by the doorway and Jack Kennedy comes out. And I thought, good God he doesn't look like his pictures."
When Mom lived in Baltimore, she'd see H. L. Mencken sitting on a park bench as she passed by in a bus.
"I used to go to the Georgetown Inn. You remember the Georgetown, don't you, Graham?"

"Yes, but I only saw it from the outside."

"I used to go there with this guy, and Dirkson, a famous senator, and McGee. It was a nightclub, with a piano bar. It was an expensive place.

"Admiral...what was his name, Graham?"

"I can't remember."

"He rented an office from us. He was on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and he had a Cadillac and was driving down the avenue with his wife and it broke down and he was furious and he called GM -- he knew someone there and they wanted to give him a new car and he refused to take it. Because of his principles. Or did he accept it? Now I can't remember which. Radford...he was in the corner office. He was against the Vietnam War, but if we were going to do it, he said we should use everything we had, including nuclear.

"I remember another guy, a friend of Johnson's, and he used to tell me what went on down there."
"We had another attorney in our office who was friends with Jack and Jacqlyn Kennedy. He had all these pictures of them in his office. I hated him, though...he was always...."
"Oh, and another client the attorneys had was the Shah of Iran's sister and husband. But the thing that ran around the office was that she or they wanted these poodles, so the firm...he arranged to get them shipped over. The thing of it is they were quite expensive, and there wasn't just one, and of course they never paid the bill, and it went on and on and the other partners were furious."
My mom told me another time that one day Bobby Kennedy and his security men walked past her. After a few moments, a couple of the security men came back and said that Kennedy liked the looks of her, and would she please come with them. (She refused.) She didn't want me to tell anyone this story, but I figure enough time has gone by for it to be OK.

I wonder how many other young women had the nerve to say no to the secret service, though.


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