Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Vanity plates

Yesterday I saw a shiny new Jaguar; its license plate read 'THNKSJC', which I translated as "Thanks, Jesus."

I know that J.C. means Jesus because I went to a party where I was the only non-Evangelical, and the people there kept referring to some guy named J.C. They thanked him for the karaoke machine, the food, etc. At first I thought maybe he was the party planner. But then one woman's eyes rolled upwards everytime she thanked him.

It reminded me of when I first met my ex's sister: she kept talking about her "roommmate, Dougald." "Dougald didn't look at all well today." "Dougald is really smart." I thought Dougald was a person, until she said, "Dougald coughed up a hairball."

Anyhow, if I ever got a vanity plate, it'd be 'WASHME'. Then I could preempt whoever keeps writing that on my hood.

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At 1:00 pm, Blogger redcometchar7 said...

I'll look out to write that on a dusty, yellow Scion next time. ^.^

At 6:38 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I suppose I could always wash it...but then it would look just like all the other yellow Scions.

At 2:30 pm, Blogger redcometchar7 said...

To be unique, have u ever think about putting black strips across & pickup kids after school? J/K... ^.^

scion xb is a cool car & spacious!!!
my bro. used to own a blue one, so we always joke about it, but it's a kewl car w/ personality!

At 4:56 pm, Blogger Ben Rice said...

I went to the World's largest CHRISTmas store last week ( They had an ornament that said "Happy Birthday, Jesus." I thought that was sort of funny.


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