Friday, December 18, 2009

Pigeon Talk

I am at home now at last, after learning all about pigeons on the flight home (thanks to the flight's repeated broadcast of a Discovery Channel show). Did you know the Dodo bird was a pigeon? Did you know that in London, they have pigeon shows, where breeders display pigeons they've bred to be exotic? Did you know a pigeon could be exotic? It was actually rather interesting, as I didn't realize that pigeons existed on all continents in all climates...both times I watched it, I missed the first part about how they actually define the pigeon. I did hear that they normally lay two eggs in a season. One particular forest-dwelling pigeon lives symbiotically with the trees by eating the leaves and seeds, then pooping out the seeds, which sprout. I got to see the pigeon pooping several times, which I thought unnecessary footage. I also got to see domestic cats gone wild caterwauling....I turned that off promptly, as I didn't want my seat-mate, an old Jewish LA guy who farted (at least, that's my suspicion), to get ideas.

At one point, he said to me, "What an interesting book you're reading. Is that for work or pleasure?" (I was reading the Ancient Mariners sounds weird, but I was deliberately trying to prevent him from seeing the cover, as I knew he was studying me, and would use that for an opening.) I said for pleasure. He acted like that needed more explanation, so I said, I like history. Then, he said, "I have something in common with you -- oil painting."

I looked at him expressing the eternal question, "What????" but also trying to temper the number of question marks, as I didn't really want to hear the answer.

He said, oil painting lets you know about history because of who they paint, and the styles. I really didn't care whatsoever, so I put my headphones on...thus the pigeons. Then, he got up and opened up the overhead bin, and got a big book on oil painting out. He turned on the light, and paged through the book...but held it so that all the pages faced me, so that I could become curious and inquire. (I didn't.) Then, I was hungry and was wondering when they'd come around with food, but every time I glanced from the monitor or my book to the aisle (I was in a window seat), he'd turn to me immediately like he was just about to speak. So, I started not even turning my head, but just shifting my eyes, but even then, he met my glance once or twice. Quite terrible, as until he mentioned the oil painting, I thought him a fine enough seat mate.

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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Radio Show

N and I* were on 104.4 FM Resonance Radio Friday night! If the radio show were at all interesting, I’d post a link. We were on with some Swedes who specialized in scatological noises, an eco-musician and a Chinese artist. The radio djs would talk normally during the breaks, and then the second they were on air, they both assumed these stupid dj voices. They both had huge noses. Afterwards, we all went out and the Swedish fart guy kept inviting me to visit him in Stockholm, saying I could sleep on his pink futon. (I asked him if it were from Ikea, but he didn’t answer.)

*Well, I was there just to support N.

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